The Bounty Sportfishing

Swordfish in Stuart

The Swordfish is generally found cruisin the Gulfstream waters in and around 1500 feet of water. They seldom surface during the daylight hours preferring to stay deep where it’s cool and dark but as the sun goes down they begin to feed. Most of the Swordfish caught off the southeast coast of Florida will be 50 to 150 pounds but much larger fish are always a possibility. In October 2005 a Swordfish weighing 602 pounds was weighed in but most of the larger fish will be between 200 and 300 pounds. The Swordfish are here all year long but most will be caught in Spring, summer and fall when the seas are calmer and more conducive for drift fishing. Drifting the Gulfstream at night we use Squid and/or live Blue Runners with multiple lines staggered from the surface to 400 feet deep. Each line will have a light stick attached which glows and attracts the Swordfish to the bait. Once the Swordfish is hooked-up it responds just like any other billfish bustin up the surface of the water but you can also expect them to go deep, 600 to 800 feet in a matter of seconds. Swordfishin is an experience you’ll never forget and Swordfish Steaks are great on a plate.