The Bounty Sportfishing
Blue Marlin
The Blue Marlin is the most revered sport fish on the planet and you’ll never forget each and every one you’re lucky enough to catch. April, May June and July are the top four months for catching Blue Marlin off the coast of Stuart Florida and the Bahamas, especially around the full moons. Although we’ve caught Blue Marlin just 8 miles off the beach in 200 to 300 feet of water most of the Blue Marlin we catch off the coast of Stuart Florida are found in the deeper waters of the gulfstream. Blue Marlin will usually be found feeding on schooling dolphin and tunas 15 to 25 miles offshore in 1200 to 1500 feet of water off the coast of Stuart Florida. Most of the Blue Marlin we catch are on our Bahamas Fishing Adventures in May, June and July. The lack of fishing pressure and the abundance of tunas to feed on keeps the Blue Marlin fishery strong throughout the Bahamas.

Call: 772-485-2644